Business Consultants in Strategic Planning for Small Businesses [Part-1]

Md. Joynal Abdin, BBA (Hons.), MBA

Founder & CEO, Trade & Investment Bangladesh


Strategic planning is the systematic process through which an organization, including small businesses, defines its long-term goals, outlines the strategies needed to achieve those goals, and allocates resources effectively to execute those strategies. It involves assessing the current state of the business, setting clear objectives, identifying potential challenges and opportunities, and creating a road map to guide the organization toward its desired future state.


The crucial role of strategic planning in the success of small businesses can be summarized as follows:

  1. Direction and Clarity: Strategic planning provides small businesses with a clear sense of purpose and direction. It helps owners and managers define what they want to accomplish and creates a unified vision for the organization.
  2. Goal Alignment: It ensures that the business’s goals and objectives are in alignment with its mission and values. This alignment helps in making consistent and purposeful decisions that contribute to the organization’s mission.
  3. Resource Allocation: Small businesses often have limited resources, and strategic planning helps them allocate these resources (such as finances, personnel, and time) more effectively. It ensures that resources are directed toward activities that support long-term objectives.
  4. Adaptation to Change: In today’s dynamic business environment, change is constant. Strategic planning equips small businesses with the tools and strategies to adapt to changing market conditions, customer preferences, and industry trends.
  5. Competitive Advantage: Through strategic planning, small businesses can identify their unique strengths and weaknesses compared to competitors. This insight allows them to develop strategies that capitalize on their strengths and address weaknesses, gaining a competitive edge.
  6. Risk Mitigation: Strategic planning involves identifying potential risks and challenges that the business may face. By recognizing these risks early, businesses can develop strategies to mitigate them, reducing the impact of unexpected setbacks.
  7. Communication and Engagement: Strategic plans serve as a communication tool within the organization. They ensure that all team members understand the company’s goals and their role in achieving them. This alignment fosters a sense of purpose and commitment among employees.


Business consultancy is a professional service provided by experienced consultants or consulting firms to assist businesses in various aspects of their operations, management, and growth. Business consultants bring external expertise and a fresh perspective to help organizations solve problems, optimize processes, and achieve their goals. Business consultancy aligns with strategic planning in several ways:

  1. Expert Guidance: Consultants often have specialized knowledge and experience in strategic planning. They can guide small businesses through the strategic planning process, ensuring that it is thorough and well-executed.


  1. Objective Assessment: Consultants offer an objective assessment of a small business’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT analysis). This assessment serves as a foundation for strategic planning.


  1. Customized Strategies: Consultants work closely with small businesses to develop customized strategies that align with their specific goals, industry dynamics, and competitive landscape.


  1. Implementation Support: Consultants can assist in implementing the strategic plan by helping with resource allocation, project management, and performance monitoring.


  1. Continuous Improvement: Business consultants often provide ongoing support and evaluation to ensure that the strategic plan remains relevant and effective, making adjustments as needed.


In summary, business consultancy and strategic planning are closely interconnected. Business consultants play a crucial role in helping small businesses develop, implement, and refine their strategic plans, ultimately contributing to their long-term success and competitiveness in the market.


The Importance of Strategic Planning for Small Businesses

Strategic planning is particularly vital for small businesses for several compelling reasons. A well-crafted strategic plan can lead to sustainable growth and a competitive advantage in the following ways:

  • Resource Optimization: Small businesses often have limited resources, including financial, human, and time resources. Strategic planning helps them allocate these resources more efficiently. By identifying key priorities and focusing efforts on high-impact areas, small businesses can make the most of their limited resources.


  • Clear Direction: Small businesses benefit from a clear sense of direction that strategic planning provides. It outlines a roadmap for where the business is heading, helping owners and employees understand the organization’s goals and how to achieve them.


  • Adaptation to Market Changes: The business landscape is dynamic and subject to constant change. Small businesses are particularly vulnerable to market fluctuations. Strategic planning equips them with the ability to anticipate and adapt to changes, helping them stay agile and responsive.


  • Competitive Advantage: Small businesses can gain a competitive edge through strategic planning. By identifying their unique strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, they can develop strategies that set them apart from competitors. This differentiation can be a significant source of competitive advantage.


  • Customer-Centric Approach: Small businesses that engage in strategic planning often prioritize understanding customer needs and preferences. By aligning their strategies with customer demands, they can provide better products, services, and customer experiences, leading to customer loyalty and growth.


  • Risk Mitigation: Small businesses face various risks, including economic downturns, regulatory changes, and industry disruptions. A well-crafted strategic plan includes risk assessment and mitigation strategies, helping small businesses proactively address potential challenges.


  • Long-Term Sustainability: Small businesses with a strategic plan are more likely to have a long-term perspective. This focus on sustainability means they are less likely to make short-term, reactive decisions that could harm their prospects in the long run.


  • Goal Achievement: Strategic planning sets clear, measurable goals and objectives. Small businesses can track progress and celebrate achievements, boosting morale and motivation among employees.


  • Alignment of Efforts: Small businesses often have smaller teams where every team member’s contribution is vital. Strategic planning ensures that everyone is on the same page, working toward common objectives, and leveraging their unique strengths.


  • Financial Stability: Effective strategic planning can improve a small business’s financial stability. By forecasting revenues and expenses, businesses can ensure they have the financial resources needed to implement their strategies.


  • Innovation and Creativity: Strategic planning encourages small businesses to think innovatively and creatively. It prompts them to explore new ideas and approaches to achieve their goals, fostering a culture of innovation.


  • Investor and Partner Attraction: Small businesses with a well-defined strategic plan are often more attractive to investors and potential partners. They demonstrate a clear vision and a commitment to achieving their objectives.


In summary, strategic planning is crucial for small businesses because it provides a structured approach to managing their limited resources, adapting to change, gaining a competitive advantage, and achieving sustainable growth. It empowers small businesses to make informed decisions, align their efforts, and thrive in a dynamic business environment.


Business Consultants in Strategic Planning for Small Businesses [Part-1]

Business Consultant in Bangladesh

The Role of Business Consultancy in Strategic Planning

Business consultants are professionals or firms that offer specialized expertise and guidance to businesses in various areas of their operations, management, and growth. They provide objective insights, analysis, and recommendations to help businesses solve specific problems, improve performance, and achieve their goals. Here’s a more detailed explanation of what business consultants do and how they can support small businesses:


What Business Consultants Do:

  1. Assessment and Analysis: Business consultants conduct thorough assessments and analyses of a business’s current situation. This includes examining financial statements, operations, processes, and market dynamics. They identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT analysis).


  1. Strategy Development: Consultants work with businesses to develop tailored strategies based on their unique challenges and goals. This includes creating business plans, growth strategies, marketing plans, and operational improvement strategies.


  1. Process Optimization: Consultants help businesses streamline their processes to improve efficiency and reduce costs. They identify bottlenecks and inefficiencies and recommend process improvements.


  1. Change Management: Consultants assist with organizational change initiatives. They provide guidance on managing transitions, restructuring, mergers, and acquisitions, ensuring a smooth change process.


  1. Financial Analysis: Consultants analyze financial data to help businesses make informed decisions about budgeting, resource allocation, and investment opportunities.


  1. Market Research: They conduct market research to identify customer preferences, market trends, and competitive landscapes. This information informs product development and marketing strategies.


  1. Technology Integration: Consultants recommend and implement technology solutions to enhance business operations, including customer relationship management (CRM) systems, enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems, and data analytics tools.


  1. Training and Development: They often provide training and development programs for employees to improve skills and enhance productivity.


How Business Consultants Support Small Businesses:

  • Expertise: Small business owners may not have expertise in all areas of business management. Consultants bring specialized knowledge and experience to fill these gaps.


  • Objective Perspective: Consultants provide an objective, outside perspective that can help small business owners see their challenges and opportunities more clearly.


  • Customized Solutions: Business consultants tailor their recommendations to the specific needs and circumstances of the small business, ensuring that solutions are practical and achievable.


  • Time Savings: Consultants can save small business owners valuable time by taking on tasks like data analysis, research, and planning, allowing owners to focus on core business activities.


  • Cost Savings: By identifying areas of inefficiency and recommending cost-effective solutions, consultants can help small businesses reduce expenses and improve profitability.


  • Access to Networks: Many consultants have extensive networks in various industries. They can connect small businesses with valuable contacts, potential partners, or investors.


  • Strategic Planning: Consultants assist with the development of strategic plans, ensuring that small businesses have a clear roadmap for growth and success.


Benefits of Bringing in External Expertise for Strategic Planning:

  1. Fresh Insights: External consultants provide fresh perspectives and insights that may be overlooked by internal teams.


  1. Specialized Knowledge: They bring specialized knowledge and experience in strategic planning, ensuring a comprehensive and well-informed approach.


  1. Objectivity: External consultants can offer unbiased opinions and recommendations, free from internal biases or politics.


  1. Efficiency: Consultants often have established methodologies and tools for strategic planning, making the process more efficient.


  1. Resource Efficiency: Small businesses can avoid the costs of hiring full-time employees with specialized expertise.


  1. Accountability: Consultants often come with defined timelines and deliverables, promoting accountability in the planning process.


In conclusion, business consultants offer valuable expertise and support to small businesses by providing objective analysis, tailored solutions, and external perspectives. When it comes to strategic planning, their involvement can lead to more informed decisions, cost savings, and a higher likelihood of achieving long-term business objectives.


Assessment and Analysis

Business consultants conduct a thorough analysis of a small business’s current situation by employing a structured and systematic approach to gather, assess, and evaluate data and information relevant to the business’s operations, performance, and environment. This analysis is a critical initial step in helping small businesses identify areas of strength, weakness, opportunities, and threats (SWOT analysis) and develop strategies for improvement. Here’s an overview of how business consultants typically conduct this analysis:


Initial Consultation:

The process begins with an initial consultation between the consultant and the small business owner or management team. This meeting is used to define the objectives of the analysis and understand the specific areas or issues that need to be addressed.

Data Collection:


Consultants gather relevant data and information from various sources within the business. This includes:

  • Financial data: Reviewing financial statements, balance sheets, income statements, and cash flow statements to assess the financial health of the business.
  • Operational data: Analyzing processes, workflows, and internal operations to identify inefficiencies or bottlenecks.
  • Marketing and sales data: Examining sales figures, customer data, marketing strategies, and customer feedback to evaluate the effectiveness of marketing and sales efforts.
  • Employee feedback: Conducting surveys or interviews with employees to gauge workplace satisfaction, identify potential issues, and assess employee performance.
  • Competitive analysis: Researching competitors to understand market positioning, pricing strategies, and potential areas of differentiation.


Market and Industry Research:

Consultants often conduct comprehensive market and industry research to gain insights into market trends, customer preferences, regulatory changes, and competitive landscapes. This research helps the business understand its external environment.


SWOT Analysis:

Based on the collected data and research, consultants perform a SWOT analysis. They identify the business’s:

  • Strengths: What the business excels at.
  • Weaknesses: Areas where the business needs improvement.
  • Opportunities: Potential growth areas and market opportunities.
  • Threats: External factors that could negatively impact the business.



Consultants compare the small business’s performance and key metrics with industry benchmarks and best practices. This benchmarking helps identify areas where the business may be falling behind or excelling.


Customer and Stakeholder Analysis:

Consultants assess customer feedback, reviews, and complaints. They also consider the needs and expectations of key stakeholders, such as suppliers, partners, and investors, to gauge satisfaction and identify areas for improvement.


SWOT Workshop:

Some consultants conduct SWOT analysis workshops with the business’s leadership team to collaboratively identify and prioritize strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. This promotes engagement and alignment among key stakeholders.


Data Analysis Tools:

Consultants often use data analysis tools, software, and modeling techniques to uncover trends, correlations, and insights within the data.


Report and Recommendations:

The consultant compiles the findings of the analysis into a comprehensive report. This report includes a detailed assessment of the business’s current situation, key findings from the analysis, and recommendations for improvement.


Presentation and Discussion:

The consultant presents the report to the small business owner or management team, facilitating a discussion to ensure a mutual understanding of the findings and recommendations.


Action Plan:

Finally, the consultant collaborates with the business to develop an action plan that outlines specific steps, timelines, and responsibilities for implementing the recommended changes and improvements.


Overall, a thorough analysis by business consultants is a structured and data-driven process that provides small businesses with valuable insights and a solid foundation for making informed decisions and strategic planning.


Services of Business Consultant


Setting Strategic Goals and Objectives

Business consultants collaborate closely with small business owners to establish clear and achievable goals through a structured and collaborative process. Here’s a description of how this collaboration typically takes place:

  1. Initial Assessment and Understanding: The consultant begins by conducting an initial assessment of the business’s current situation, including its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT analysis). This assessment helps the consultant understand the business’s unique challenges, capabilities, and objectives.


  1. Goal Setting Workshop: The consultant often facilitates a goal-setting workshop or meeting with the small business owner or management team. This workshop serves as a collaborative forum for brainstorming and discussing the business’s short-term and long-term objectives.


  1. SMART Goals: During the workshop, the consultant emphasizes the importance of setting SMART goals, which are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. This framework ensures that goals are clear, realistic, and actionable.


  1. Defining Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): Together with the small business owner, the consultant identifies key performance indicators (KPIs) that will be used to measure progress toward each goal. KPIs provide quantifiable metrics that help track success.


  1. Prioritization: The consultant assists in prioritizing goals based on their importance and feasibility. This involves discussing which goals will have the most significant impact on the business’s success and which should be tackled first.


  1. Alignment with Mission and Vision: The consultant ensures that the established goals align with the business’s mission, vision, and core values. This alignment helps maintain consistency and a sense of purpose within the organization.


  1. Assessment of Resources: Together with the small business owner, the consultant assesses the resources required to achieve each goal. This includes evaluating financial resources, personnel, technology, and any other necessary assets.


  1. Timeline and Milestones: The consultant works with the business owner to establish a timeline for goal achievement. This timeline includes specific milestones or checkpoints to monitor progress at regular intervals.


  1. Action Planning: After setting the goals, the consultant collaborates with the business owner to develop an action plan. This plan outlines the specific steps, tasks, and responsibilities required to reach each goal.


  1. Resource Allocation: The consultant helps the business owner allocate resources effectively to support the action plan. This may involve budgeting, hiring, training, or reallocating existing resources.


  1. Monitoring and Review: Throughout the implementation of the action plan, the consultant and the business owner regularly review progress against the established goals and KPIs. Adjustments are made as necessary to ensure the goals remain achievable.


  1. Communication and Feedback: Effective communication is crucial throughout the goal-setting process. The consultant encourages open communication between the business owner and employees, fostering a shared understanding of objectives and progress.


  1. Continuous Improvement: The consultant promotes a culture of continuous improvement, emphasizing that goals and strategies may need to be refined over time to adapt to changing circumstances and market dynamics.


  1. Support and Guidance: The consultant remains available to provide guidance, answer questions, and offer support to the small business owner and team members as they work toward achieving the established goals.


By collaborating in this structured manner, business consultants help small business owners establish goals that are not only clear and achievable but also aligned with the business’s vision, supported by resources, and tracked through measurable metrics, ultimately contributing to the business’s success.


To read 2nd part of this article, click here!


Business Consultants in Strategic Planning for Small Businesses [Part-1]: Business Consultants in Strategic Planning for Small Businesses [Part-1]
Business Consultants in Bangladesh

Md. Joynal Abdin, Business Consultant & Digital Marketer

Mr. Md. Joynal Abdin is a Business Consultant & Digital Marketer based in Dhaka, Bangladesh. He is Founder & CEO of Trade & Investment Bangladesh, one of the leading Business Consultancy Firm in Bangladesh. He is also Co-Founder & CEO of Bangladesh Trade Center. Previously he served at Dhaka Chamber of Commerce & Industry (DCCI) as Executive Secretary; DCCI Business Institute (DBI) as Executive Director; SME Foundation as Deputy Manager; and the Federation of Bangladesh Chambers of Commerce & Industry (FBCCI) as Assistant Secretary.


The list of services Mr. Abdin is offering includes but not limited to Business Mentorship, Business Research and Documentations like Feasibility Study, Project Proposal Preparation, Writing Business Manual, Standard Operating Procedures etc.; Export Market Selection and Product Positioning at Home and Abroad; Buyers-Sellers Matchmaking; Website Development; Search Engine Optimization (SEO); and Social Media Marketing etc.

Business Consultants in Strategic Planning for Small Businesses [Part-1]: Business Consultants in Strategic Planning for Small Businesses [Part-1]

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