Professional and Business Involvements: 

1. Founder & CEO, Trade & Investment Bangladesh:

Trade & Investment Bangladesh (TIB) is one of the leading Business Consultancy & Digital Marketing Firms fostering economic growth and facilitating international trade and investment in Bangladesh.

Established with a vision to enhance the country’s global competitiveness, TIB serves as a pivotal platform for both local and foreign enterprises seeking opportunities in Bangladesh’s vibrant market.

With a deep understanding of the local business landscape and global market dynamics, TIB offers tailored solutions to businesses, investors, and policymakers alike. Our mission is to catalyze sustainable development by promoting trade liberalization, fostering investment partnerships, and advocating for conducive policy frameworks.

TIB’s comprehensive services encompass business mentorship, export market selection, product positioning, buyers-sellers matchmaking, website development, digital marketing, and capacity building, positioning us as the premier gateway to Bangladesh’s dynamic economy.

Through strategic collaborations and innovative initiatives, TIB continues to drive economic prosperity, propel entrepreneurship, and create a conducive environment for inclusive growth in Bangladesh.

Trade & Investment Bangladesh
Trade & Investment Bangladesh
Digital Marketing
Bangladesh Trade Center

2. Co-Founder & CEO, Bangladesh Trade Center

Bangladesh Trade Center (BTC) is one of the leading Business Consultants & Digital Marketers in Bangladesh.  We are ready to be your growth partner;  to assist you to reach the next level. Offer a full package of support services for ensuring the business growth of your company at home and abroad. We work with the government, local & foreign entrepreneurs, and foreign missions here in Bangladesh as well as Bangladesh’s missions abroad to facilitate trade & investment.

3. Managing Director, USG Private Ltd: 

The United for Sustainability & Growth (USG) Private Limited is a trading initiative involved in export import business.  

USG Pvt. Ltd.
4. The Host, Meet the Experts, Trade & Investment Bangladesh: 

Meet the Expert is a popular knowledge sharing programme hosted by Md. Joynal Abdin in his YouTube Channel Trade & Investment Bangladesh (TIB).

Affiliate Marketer Portfolio:

2. Ali Express

Ali Express


Author Portfolio: 

1. Research Manual: Handbook for Conducting Socioeconomic Studies

Research Manual: Handbook for Conducting Socioeconomic Studies

2. Cluster Development Handbook: To Guide Your Development Interventions in a Cluster

Cluster Development Handbook: To Guide Your Development Interventions in a Cluster

3. Most Prospective Sectors to Invest in Bangladesh: To Guide Your Investment Into a Viable Sector

Most Prospective Sectors to Invest in Bangladesh: To Guide Your Investment Into a Viable Sector

4. The Mirror of Bangladesh Economy: Industry, Service, and Agriculture

The Mirror of Bangladesh Economy: Industry, Service, and Agriculture

5. Bangladesh’s Journey to Economic Development: Dreaming a Developed Bangladesh

Bangladesh’s Journey to Economic Development: Dreaming a Developed Bangladesh

6. Development Journey: Experience of a Least Developed Country

Development Journey: Experience of a Least Developed Country